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发布时间:2022-01-30 20:15:54

A. 宝马电脑的编程

宝马汽车发动机电脑编程步骤DME Control Mole Programming
DME Control Mole Programming
DME programming is used to change a "basic control unit" into a "programed control unit" by writing operating instructions onto a blank EPROM.
Programming is also used to update an existing DME program by writing additional instructions that compliment the existing software.
Programming is used on DME M3.X variants.
Storage of Programming Data
In it's unprogrammed basic state, the EPROM only contains "resident data". The resident data provides control mole/EPROM identification to the
programming software prior to programming.
When programmed, the EPROM is filled with the required characteristic maps (ignition timing, injection etc), control mole constants,
Identification data, etc.
When is programming necessary?
Programming an engine control mole is necessary when:
- Installing a replacement basic control mole
- Recall or Service Action campaign: This falls into one of the following categories:
- Program update to existing program
- Complete programming procere after EPROM replacement.
Programming a replacement basic control mole
Control moles are received from the parts department in the basic state (EPROM loaded only with resident data). These control moles require
programming using the DIS/MoDiC and the latest programming software.
Programming Update
Updates are referred to as "Customer Service Measures" in the programming software. The existing program in the control mole is amended with
an updated program. This new data changes various operations of the existing control programming. Program updates write the new data in a
reserved section of the EPROM. The location of the old data is overwritten with instructions for the DME to search the reserved section in the
EPROM when the function is required.
Because of limited space on the EPROM, program updating can only be done one time.
The DIS/MoDiC will display the message "Measure not applicable to the control mole version" if update has already been done or the DME is
factory updated
Vehicle: Testing and Inspection
EPROM Replacement and Programming
EPROM Replacement and Programming
Larger updates have too many changes to fit in the update portion of the EPROM. An update with this many changes requires an EPROM
replacement and reprogramming procere.
The EPROM is removed and replaced with a new basic state EPROM. The latest software is programmed into the new EPROM providing a data
set that has the latest available software.
Vehicle: Testing and Inspection
Control Mole Identification
Control Mole Identification
It is important to know how to properly identify DME control moles prior to programming. The control moles are identified by:
- BMW Part number
- BMW Hardware number
- Bosch Hardware number
These numbers are displayed in the following locations:
- Control mole ID label.
- Control mole ID display using the Diagnostic program.
Part Number Basic Control Mole
This number refers to the part number of the control unit without any data status.
Part Number Programmed Control Mole
This number refers to the part number of a factory programmed mole that includes the data status.

B. 宝马5系重新编程需要多长时间


C. 宝马730去4S店做全车编程需要多少钱


D. 宝马车做电脑编程有什么作用


E. 宝马编程是什么意思

宝马5系列是迄今在国内生产的最先进的高档轿车。新一代BMW5系列的外部长宽高尺寸为4841×1846×1468(毫米),轴距为2888毫米。新5系比上一代车型加长66毫米。BMW5系列的动力系统得到了进一步加强。顶级版本545i配备了来自7系的V8发动机,最大功率245千瓦/333马力(6100转/分),最大扭矩达450牛顿米(3600转/分),最高时速250公里,0-100公里加速仅需5.9秒。宝马5系的风格定位在动感时尚的3系和高贵典雅的7系之间。将动感与典雅和高级商用轿车的功能性完美融合,将宝马的伟大传统和 指引未来的进取精神以及经得起岁月考验的美学标准统一在一起。目前,华晨宝马5系列为其所属系列下的最新车系。

F. 请问宝马车为什么要电脑编程,


G. 宝马车,换完一个模块编程,是只编换的模块,还是全部模块都要编程

应该是全部模块都要编程。具体要看你更换了哪个模块,哪个底盘序列和用什么设备编了,具体问题具体分析。 1、大灯电脑等这些LIN线子控制单元的话做下初始化就行了,但是其他模块必须要编程。 2、F序列底盘的必须整车编程

H. 宝马编程编死了怎么弄

1、对于E60 将CAS 控制单元的1 脚KL 30G、8 脚KL 15、19 脚15wup 人为连接12V 电源,然后对车辆进行编程。
2、对于E65 E66 将CAS 控制单元的48 脚15wup、49 脚KL15 人为连接12V 电源,然后对车辆进行编程,
3、对于新E70 E71 将CAS 的1 号7 号8 号14 号19 号脚人为连接12V 电源,然后把OBD-II的1号脚(空)和16号脚对接。
4、对于OBD-II 有1 号脚线的老款车辆只需要短接1 号和16 号脚就可以编程通过以上方法对CAS 编程)(新款车的CAS 和FRM 还有老款车的LM 还有3 系仪表里面有车辆数据的模块不要使用二手,如果一定要用二手零件号务必使用相等且车架号务必手工修改后对车辆才可以进行编程和设码工作))

I. 怎么样简单对宝马进行编程

3. 关闭车上所有用电设备(空调、音响、灯光等)
4. 确保车辆电池电压处于13V至14V之间(必要时连接稳压器)
5. 关闭诊断仪蓝牙、屏幕保护功能6. 编程时采用“USB线”连接进行编程



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