① CUDA编程基础——Grid、Block、Thread
② 【CUDA 编程】bank 与bank冲突
以下内容摘笑塌抄于Nvida 官方教程碰则圆 https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-c-programming-guide/index.html#memory-hierarchy
Shared memory has 32 banks that are organized such that successive 32-bit words map to successive banks. Each bank has a bandwidth of 32 bits per clock cycle.
共享内存由连续的32bit单元映射到32个bank, 每个时钟周期内, 每个bank都有32bit的带宽
A shared memory request for a warp does not generate a bank conflict between two threads that access any address within the same 32-bit word (even though the two addresses fall in the same bank). In that case, for read accesses, the word is broadcast to the requesting threads and for write accesses, each address is written by only one of the threads (which thread performs the write is undefined).
一个wrap内的两个线程访问同一个在共享内存中的32bit数据, 这样并不会引起bank冲突 (怎么感觉和下面的图middle的描述不一样??)盯桥 。对于读操作, 32bit数据会被广播给请求的线程; 对于写线程, 数据仅仅会被一个线程写(这样会产生未定义的行为)。
Figure 17 shows some examples of strided access.
Figure 18 shows some examples of memory read accesses that involve the broadcast mechanism.
Figure 17. Strided Shared Memory Accesses. Examples for devices of compute capability 3.x (in 32-bit mode) or compute capability 5.x and 6.x
Left Linear addressing with a stride of one 32-bit word (no bank conflict).
Middle Linear addressing with a stride of two 32-bit words (two-way bank conflict).
Right Linear addressing with a stride of three 32-bit words (no bank conflict).
Figure 18. Irregular Shared Memory Accesses. Examples for devices of compute capability 3.x, 5.x, or 6.x.
Left Conflict-free access via random permutation.
Middle Conflict-free access since threads 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9 access the same word within bank 5.
Right Conflict-free broadcast access (threads access the same word within a bank).
③ cuda编程 device 中的类或者结构体的使用
④ 如何开启显卡CUDA功能
⑤ GPU高性能运算之CUDA,CUDA编程报错,大牛帮忙解答啊
void runTest(int argc, char** argv);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
CUT_EXIT(argc,argv); //退出CUDA
⑥ cuda编程,把CPU转到CUDA的编程,这算法有点不正确!求解
⑦ CUDA的程序,自己写的,求高人指教
__global__ static void sumOfSquares(int *gpudata, int* result) 你把static去掉!另敏咐薯外我简芦不明白你的global函数里面为什么没有定义线程的索引啊。那你那些数据运算是在哪桥者运算的啊。我觉得应该定义int bx=blockIdx.x之类的变量啊,你这程序就是在一个线程中执行,没有并行。
⑧ CUDA编程中常数存储器的赋值方法