A. 绌胯秺𨱔绾挎垬鍖虹编链峣os镐庝箞瀹夎
鑻规灉鐢ㄦ埛鍙闇瑕佷竴涓澶栨湇鑻规灉id锛屽氨鍙浠ヨ幏鍙栧瑰簲鍦板尯镄勭┛瓒婄伀绾挎垬鍖虹编链崭简銆鑻规灉澶栨湇id璐涔璐涔拌娴鏋滃栨湇id钖庯纴鍒囱颁竴瀹氲佸湪app store涓鍒囨崲鑻规灉id锛屼箣钖庡埛鏂板晢搴楀氨鍙浠ユ悳绱㈢┛瓒婄伀绾挎垬鍖虹编链嶅畨瑁呬简銆
- Defeat Terrorists in Real-time Combat!
▣ Reclaim cities controlled by a vicious terrorist group!
▣ Stop Massive Organic Weapons that threaten humanity
- Dominate the Battlefield with Superior Weapon Technology!
▣ Create and direct high-tech combat units
▣ Make your own tactical commands in real time
- Develop Your Base and Raise an Army!
▣ Collect resources and develop your base
▣ Train troops and research tactics to claim victory!
- A Masterful Mix of Strategy, Simulation, and RPG!
▣ Collect and command 25 unique heroes
▣ Craft gear to empower your troops
- Create an Alliance and Expand Your Sphere of Influence!
▣ Build a city and conct alliance research with alliance members
▣ Participate in City Takeover and reap the benefits
鈼 Game Access Authorizations
[Required Authorizations] Access to photos, media, and files
- (CAMERA) In order to change the in-game representative image, the game requires this authorization.
- (For Updates) We need your permission to save the update files onto your devices SD card.
- (Storage Access) For saving game settings caches and reliable 1:1 customer support, we need permission to access photos, media, and files stored within the device.
鈼 How to Disable Access Authorizations
[Android 6.0 or Above]
Device Settings Applications Select the App Permissions
[Lower than Android 6.0]
Cannot revoke permissions. You must delete the app.
* The terms used above may vary depending on your device or OS version.
Revoking required permissions for access authorizations may result in failure to log in to the game.
[Android 6.0鎴栨洿楂樼増链琞
[浣庝簬Android 6.0]