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发布时间:2022-11-08 10:02:13

❶ 奥的斯电梯光幕参数设置

奥的斯电梯 OCSS 常规参数的设置No.Symbol Initial 初始Setting 设置Pure and RangeGroup 1: General OCSS 常规设置1-1RCB-NO 1Car Identifier轿厢标识1 to 8 = car A to HCar identifier in group.在群控中的轿厢标识(序号) 1-2EN-CON 0Enable Contract Software 合同0 = disable contract software1 = enable contract software 激活Determines if the contract software, contained be executed.1-3EN-EMO 0he contract EPROM chips, shouldEnable Overlay Controller Functionality(启用覆盖控制柜功能性) 0 = disable overlay controller functionality1 = enable overlay controller functionalityThis parameter should be enabled when the OCSS resides on an EMO or TEMO.Once a full MOD controller is in place; for exle, an E411M or E311M controller,this parameter should be disabled.(到 OCSS 处于 EMO 或者 TEMO 时,应将此参数置一。一个完整的 MOD 控制柜使用时,比如,一个 E411M 或者 E311M 的控制柜时,此参数应该被取消)1-4SVT-PO 1Service Toolition Offset 服务器位置偏移0 = service tool1 = service toolitions staritions starlanding 0(服务器位置从楼层 0 开始)landing 1(从楼层 1 开始)Specifies whethositions are displayed on the Service Tool startinganding0 or landing 1.(指定服务器上的位置显示是以 1 还是以 0 开始)1-5 #RINGS 1Number Of Rings Used For Communication1 = Use one ring for most communication to save CPU 使用一个环形通讯2 = Use two rings for all communication 使用二个环形通讯This variable specifies the number of rings to be used by the OCSS to communicate with each other.(此变量指定 OCSS 用来彼此通讯的环数)1-6R-BAUD 192Ring Communications Baud Rate 环行通讯比特率96 = 9600 baud192 = 19200 baudDefines baud rate used for ring communications.Notet all the carshe group musve the same ring communications baud rate.Also notet the controllower must be cycled for the change to take affect.(定义环行通讯的比特率。注意:群组中所有的轿厢必须拥有同样的比特率。同时,要使改变生效,控制柜电源必须生效)1-7EMS-OPL* 00000000EMS Options (EMS 选项)P bit = 0: disable EMS paramet P bit = 1: enable EMS paramet L bit = 0: transmit OCSS load s版本传输 OCSS 负载状态)L bit = 1: transmit OCSS load s的版本传输 OCSS 负载状态)assing(EMS 参数通过)assing(使 EMS 参数通过)es using ICD 4.1 or lower(用 ICD4.1 或者更低的es using ICD 4.2 or higher(用 ICD4.2 或者更高Systems with EMS v2.0 or lower musve parametassing disabled.Systems win EMS configured as ICD 4.1 or lower musve the L bit set to 0.(EMS v2.0 或者更低版本的系统必须系统必须使L 位设定为 0)1-8RSLCFG 0参数通过,配置 ICD 4.1 或者更低版本的 EMS 的RSL Configuration for E335M(E335M 的 RSL 配置)0 =Car I/O read from car link, Hall I/O read from hall link, Group I/O read from group link.1 =Car I/O read from car link, Hall I/O read from car link, Group I/O read from group link.2 =Car I/O read from car link, Hall I/O read from car link, Group I/O read from car link.3 =Car I/O read from car link, Hall I/O read from hall link, Group I/O read from car link.定义: 由 E335M 系统形成何种环行通讯链Defines how the RSL links are configured for E335M systems. 1-9SB-DLY30Stuck Button Prosing Delay 按钮延迟处理a stuck button every 0 to 255 seconds0 to255= prosPro occa1-10ses a stuckbutton periodically, sot the button will be servicedally.(周期性地处理一个按纽,使它被经常性地操作)CB-TYP0CarButton Type 轿厢按钮类型 default 缺省、默认 mechanical 机械的touch tube 电子触摸012=Defines the type of car button mechanism.(定义轿厢按纽机械类型) 1-11HB-TYP 0Hall Button Type 大厅按钮类型012=defaultmechanical touch tubeDefines the type of hall button mechanism.(定义大厅按纽机械类型) 1-12CPU-T10FreeCPU Time ReadingervalCPU1 to时间间隔255 = 1 to 255 secondsDefines theerval over whiinimum free CPU measurements are taken.This is for engineering use only - do not change.(定义测量空闲 CPU 的最小间隔,这仅作为工程使用,不要改变)1-13FIELD1 0Field Engineering Spare 1(现场工程备用功能 1)for Field Engineering patches.Please report all patches to OECF, sot Software Configuration Management can be maained.1-14FIELD2 0Field Engineering Spare 2for Field Engineering patches.Please report all patches to OECF, sot Software Configuration Managementegrity can be ma 1-15FIELD3ained.0Field Engineering Spare 3for Field Engineering patches.Please report all patches to OECF, can be ma 1-16FIELD40ained.Field Engineering Spare 4for Field Engineering patches.Please report all patches to OECF, can be ma 1-17FIELD50ained.Field Engineering Spare 5for Field Engineering patches.Please report all patches to OECF, can be ma 1-18FIELD60ained.Field Engineering Spare 6for Field Engineering patches.Please report all patches to OECF, sot SoftwareConfiguration Managementegrity can be ma 1-19FIELD70ained.Field Engineering Spare 710 - Prevents car button I/O moles from flashing.for Field Engineering patches.Please report all patches to OECF, sot SoftwareConfiguration Managementegrity can be maained.

❷ 奥的斯电梯ALMCB3.3板本,关门太快怎么处理光幕不起作用,手挡光幕灯还亮着,怎么处理,求解


❸ 奥的斯电梯运行时轿厢按钮多个一直闪烁


❹ 奥的斯电梯安全触板改光幕怎么弄


❺ OTIS光幕超时保护怎么封门机板 是DO2000

简单啊!!光幕有四根线 两根是220V 还有两根就是安全触板..把两条线拆了...就行了!!先说明 你的安全触板是常开还是常闭呢?? 如果拆了还是不信的话!就短接起来!就没问题了 OTIS光幕没有保护装置的!!

❻ 西奥超载用服务器怎么




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