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发布时间:2022-09-08 17:17:22

㈠ 有哪些优秀的app只能在apple上使用不能在安卓上

一口气写得太多, 只包含 iPhone 应用……下面的应用列表实在太长, 在这里先写一下名字:Tweetbot, TweetList Pro, Twittelator Neue, Twitterrific 5, Flurry, Droplr, ClouDrop, Momento, Piictu, The Magazine, Instashare, Cue, Reeder, Summly, Alien Blue, PDF Expert, QUOTE.fm, Cobook, Zite, Calvetica, Fantastical, ListPro, Launch Center Pro, Drafts, Simplenote, Byword, iA Writer, Articles, Sparrow, Seed, Digg, Lift.do, MoneyWiz, Piggie, DailyCost, Moves, Fog of World, Camera+, Camera Awesome, Hipstamatic, VSCO CAM, Cycloramic, PhotoSynth, Trevi, ISO500, Phoster, Vimeo, McIntosh AP1 Audio Player, djay, Vine, Qwiki, Kuvva, Weather On, Dark Sky, Weather Dial, Partly Cloudy, POP, Great Coffee App, Timegg Pro, 1Password 4, Prompt, iStat 2, 墨客, 快递 100 Pro, AppShopper, CubeCheater



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