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发布时间:2022-10-30 20:46:33

⑴ VB与单片机串口通讯并采集数据,实现实时曲线显示


⑵ vb 与单片机通信 &hbb数据收不到

MSComm1.Output = Chr(send3) 这句有问题。
请不要将send3转化为字符,使用MSComm1.Output = send3
dim sende(0) as byte

⑶ 如何通过vb控制单片机的四个IO口


⑷ VB给单片机发数据问题

Option Explicit
Dim intTime As Integer
Private strSendText As String '发送文本数据
Private bytSendByte() As Byte '发送二进制数据
Private blnReceiveFlag As Boolean
Private blnAutoSendFlag As Boolean
Private intPort As Integer
Private strSet As String
Private intReceiveLen As Integer
Private bytReceiveByte() As Byte
Private strAscii As String '设置初值
Private strHex As String
Private intHexWidth As Integer
Private intLine As Integer
Private m As Integer
Private strAddress As String
'字符表示的十六进制数转化为相应的整数,错误则返回 -1
Function ConvertHexChr(str As String) As Integer
Dim test As Integer
test = Asc(str)
If test >= Asc("0") And test <= Asc("9") Then
test = test - Asc("0")
ElseIf test >= Asc("a") And test <= Asc("f") Then
test = test - Asc("a") + 10
ElseIf test >= Asc("A") And test <= Asc("F") Then
test = test - Asc("A") + 10
test = -1 '出错信息
End If
ConvertHexChr = test
End Function

Function strHexToByteArray(strText As String, bytByte() As Byte) As Integer
Dim HexData As Integer '十六进制(二进制)数据字节对应值
Dim hstr As String * 1 '高位字符
Dim lstr As String * 1 '低位字符
Dim HighHexData As Integer '高位数值
Dim LowHexData As Integer '低位数值
Dim HexDataLen As Integer '字节数
Dim StringLen As Integer '字符串长度
Dim Account As Integer
Dim n As Integer
'txtSend = "" '设初值
HexDataLen = 0
strHexToByteArray = 0
StringLen = Len(strText)
Account = StringLen \ 2
ReDim bytByte(Account)
For n = 1 To StringLen
Do '清除空格
hstr = Mid(strText, n, 1)
n = n + 1
If (n - 1) > StringLen Then
HexDataLen = HexDataLen - 1
Exit For
End If
Loop While hstr = " "
lstr = Mid(strText, n, 1)
n = n + 1
If (n - 1) > StringLen Then
HexDataLen = HexDataLen - 1
Exit For
End If
Loop While lstr = " "
n = n - 1
If n > StringLen Then
HexDataLen = HexDataLen - 1
Exit For
End If
HighHexData = ConvertHexChr(hstr)
LowHexData = ConvertHexChr(lstr)

If HighHexData = -1 Or LowHexData = -1 Then '遇到非法字符中断转化
HexDataLen = HexDataLen - 1
Exit For
HexData = HighHexData * 16 + LowHexData
bytByte(HexDataLen) = HexData
HexDataLen = HexDataLen + 1
End If
Next n
If HexDataLen > 0 Then '修正最后一次循环改变的数值
HexDataLen = HexDataLen - 1
ReDim Preserve bytByte(HexDataLen)
ReDim Preserve bytByte(0)
End If
If StringLen = 0 Then '如果是空串,则不会进入循环体
strHexToByteArray = 0
strHexToByteArray = HexDataLen + 1
End If
End Function

Private Sub cmdManualSend_Click()
If Not Me.MSComm.PortOpen Then
Me.MSComm.CommPort = intPort
Me.MSComm.Settings = strSet
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = True
End If
Call ctrTimer_Timer
If Not blnAutoSendFlag Then
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdAutoSend_Click()
If blnAutoSendFlag Then
Me.ctrTimer.Enabled = False
If Not blnReceiveFlag Then
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = False
End If
Me.cmdAutoSend.Caption = "自动发送"
If Not Me.MSComm.PortOpen Then
Me.MSComm.CommPort = intPort
Me.MSComm.Settings = strSet
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = True
End If
Me.ctrTimer.Interval = intTime
Me.ctrTimer.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAutoSend.Caption = "停止发送"
End If
blnAutoSendFlag = Not blnAutoSendFlag
End Sub

Private Sub ctrTimer_Timer()
Dim longth As Integer
strSendText = Me.txtSend.Text
longth = strHexToByteArray(strSendText, bytSendByte())
If longth > 0 Then
Me.MSComm.Output = bytSendByte
End If
End Sub
Private Sub InputManage(bytInput() As Byte, intInputLenth As Integer)
Dim n As Integer '定义变量及初始化
ReDim Preserve bytReceiveByte(intReceiveLen + intInputLenth)
For n = 1 To intInputLenth Step 1
bytReceiveByte(intReceiveLen + n - 1) = bytInput(n - 1)
Next n
intReceiveLen = intReceiveLen + intInputLenth
End Sub

Public Sub GetDisplayText()
Dim n As Integer
Dim intValue As Integer
Dim intHighHex As Integer
Dim intLowHex As Integer
Dim strSingleChr As String * 1
Dim intAddress As Integer
Dim intAddressArray(8) As Integer
Dim intHighAddress As Integer
strAscii = "" '设置初值
strHex = ""
strAddress = ""
For n = 1 To intReceiveLen
intValue = bytReceiveByte(n - 1)
If intValue < 32 Or intValue > 128 Then '处理非法字符
strSingleChr = Chr(46) '对于不能显示的ASCII码,
Else '用"."表示
strSingleChr = Chr(intValue)
End If
strAscii = strAscii + strSingleChr
intHighHex = intValue \ 16
intLowHex = intValue - intHighHex * 16
If intHighHex < 10 Then
intHighHex = intHighHex + 48
intHighHex = intHighHex + 55
End If
If intLowHex < 10 Then
intLowHex = intLowHex + 48
intLowHex = intLowHex + 55
End If
strHex = strHex + Chr$(intHighHex) + Chr$(intLowHex) + " "
If (n Mod intHexWidth) = 0 Then
strAscii = strAscii + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
strHex = strHex + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
End If
Next n
txtAsc = strAscii 'Ascii
txtHex = strHex '16进制
intLine = intReceiveLen \ intHexWidth
If (intReceiveLen - intHexWidth * intLine) > 0 Then
intLine = intLine + 1
End If
For n = 1 To intLine
intAddress = (n - 1) * intHexWidth
intHighAddress = 8
intAddressArray(0) = intAddress
For m = 1 To intHighAddress
intAddressArray(m) = intAddressArray(m - 1) \ 16
Next m
For m = 1 To intHighAddress
intAddressArray(m - 1) = intAddressArray(m - 1) - intAddressArray(m) * 16
Next m
For m = 1 To intHighAddress
If intAddressArray(intHighAddress - m) < 10 Then
intAddressArray(intHighAddress - m) = intAddressArray(intHighAddress - m) + Asc("0")
intAddressArray(intHighAddress - m) = intAddressArray(intHighAddress - m) + Asc("A") - 10
End If
strAddress = strAddress + Chr$(intAddressArray(intHighAddress - m))
Next m
strAddress = strAddress + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Next n
txtAdd = strAddress '地址
End Sub
Private Sub cmdReceive_Click()
If blnReceiveFlag Then
If Not blnReceiveFlag Then
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = False
End If
Me.cmdReceive.Caption = "开始接收"
If Not Me.MSComm.PortOpen Then
Me.MSComm.CommPort = intPort
Me.MSComm.Settings = strSet
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = True
End If
Me.MSComm.InputLen = 0
Me.MSComm.InputMode = 0
Me.MSComm.InBufferCount = 0
Me.MSComm.RThreshold = 1
Me.cmdReceive.Caption = "停止接收"
End If
blnReceiveFlag = Not blnReceiveFlag
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
intHexWidth = 8
txtAdd = ""
txtHex = ""
txtAsc = ""
txtSend = "11"
txtAdd.Width = 1335
txtHex.Width = 2535
txtAsc.Width = 1215
blnAutoSendFlag = False
blnReceiveFlag = False
intReceiveLen = 0
'intOutMode = 1
intPort = 1
intTime = 1000
strSet = "9600,n,8,1"
Me.MSComm.InBufferSize = 1024
Me.MSComm.OutBufferSize = 512
If Not Me.MSComm.PortOpen Then
Me.MSComm.CommPort = intPort
Me.MSComm.Settings = strSet
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = True
End If
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = False
End Sub

Private Sub cmdClear_Click()
Dim bytTemp(0) As Byte
ReDim bytReceiveByte(0)
intReceiveLen = 0
Call InputManage(bytTemp, 0)
Call GetDisplayText
Call disPlay
End Sub

Private Sub MsComm_OnComm()
Dim bytInput() As Byte
Dim intInputLen As Integer
Select Case Me.MSComm.CommEvent
Case comEvReceive
If blnReceiveFlag Then
If Not Me.MSComm.PortOpen Then
Me.MSComm.CommPort = intPort
Me.MSComm.Settings = strSet
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = True
End If
Me.MSComm.InputMode = comInputModeBinary '二进制接收
intInputLen = Me.MSComm.InBufferCount
ReDim bytInput(intInputLen)
bytInput = Me.MSComm.Input
Call InputManage(bytInput, intInputLen)
Call GetDisplayText
'Call disPlay
If Not blnReceiveFlag Then
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = False
End If
End If
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub disPlay()
txtHex = ""
txtAsc = ""
txtAdd = ""
End Sub

⑸ 通过VB编程,如何实现计算机同8位单片机的串口通信

**********************VB代码 PC**************************
Dim s As String
Dim sent() As Byte
Private Sub Form_Load()
With MSComm1
If .CommPort <> 2 Then .CommPort = 2 '设置Com2为通信端口
.Settings = "9600,N,8,1" '设置通信端口参数 9600赫兹、无校验、8个数据位、1个停止位.(这里需要进一步说明的是:.Setting=”BBBB,P,D,S”。
'含义是:B:Baud Rate(波特率);P:Parity(奇偶);D:Data Bit;S:Stop Bit)
.InBufferSize = 1024 '设置缓冲区接收数据为1024字节
.OutBufferSize = 512
.OutBufferCount = 0 '清空发送缓冲区
.InBufferCount = 0 '滑空接收缓冲区
If Not .PortOpen Then
.PortOpen = True '打开通信端口
End If
End With
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
s = Text1.Text
Call sendmsg
End Sub

Private Sub sendmsg()
Dim i As Integer
ReDim sent(Len(Text1.Text) + 1) As Byte
For i = 1 To Len(Text1.Text)
sent(i) = Asc(Mid(s, i, 1)) '发送ASC码
Next i
sent(i) = Asc(vbCrLf) '发送换行表示数据结束
MSComm1.Output = sent
MSComm1.OutBufferCount = 0
End Sub

#include <STDIO.H>
#include <AT89LV52.h>

void initial(void); //初始化

vvoid initial(void)
IP = 0X00; //定义串口高优先及
IE=0x00; //允许串口,定时器0
TMOD=0x21; //定时器1为自动装入方式
PCON=0x00; //速率bu翻倍
SCON=0X50; //串口工作方式:8位UART,数据传输速率可变
TH1=0XFD; //OXFF(22.184M)57600 baud
TL1=0XFD; //设置定时器
//PCON=0X80|PCON; //速率为9600 baud(晶振11.059M),SMOD=0数据传输速率4.8KB,th1=tl1=fd,smod=1,速率为19.2kb
TR1 = 1; //启动定时器1

int i=0,j,getbuf[5];
getbuf[i]=_getkey(); //接受ASC码
if (getbuf[i] == 13) break; //接收到换行表示数据结束


⑹ 利用VB实现串口接收单片机数据


⑺ 单片机串口分别三次向VB上位机发送数组数据


Private Sub MSComm1_OnComm()
Dim indata As Variant
Dim bte(0) As Byte
Select Case MSComm1.CommEvent
Case 2
indata = MSComm1.Input
bte(0) = AscB(indata)
If bte(0) = 数组的第一个数值
Then MSComm1.Output = 应答信号1
end if
If bte(0) =数组的第二个数值 Then MSComm1.Output =应答信号2
end if
If bte(0) =数组的第三个数值 Then MSComm1.Output =应答信号3
end if
MSComm1.OutBufferCount = 0
End Select
End Sub

⑻ vb和单片机通信的问题。mscomm.RThreshold=1的疑问

当vb收到一个字节了,vb产生OnComm事件,但是vb是windows 操作系统下的程序,执行到事件的mscomm1.Input 时已经过去一定时间,串口是有缓冲区的,这时候读input已经传过来很多字节了。所以就发生了你所说的结果

⑼ 我用VB编的和单片机232通讯的程序,我如何判断通讯超时呢,比如把通讯线拔了,如何让它提示通讯断开呢,


1 首先打开定时器1时间设为1ms,作为轮询接收数据;
2 定时器1中断是,接收串口数据,当接收到数据时,保存数据,同时关闭定时器2通讯超时3秒定时器,发送反馈信息给单片机(可选择);
3 当定时器2中断时,认为相隔3秒未收到数据,判断为通讯超时;


⑽ vb可以编辑单片机程序吗

单片机程序用任何编辑器都 可以写的,包括windows自带的记事本。
编译就不行了,要用keil 、wave等 。



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