❶ linux系统下如何安装Abinit5.6.4
DHCP是实现主机IP地址DNS等动态配置的网络协议. DNCP可以在多种操作系统中实现,包括最常用的linux系统和windows系统 DHCP网络服务的结构中具有服务器和客户机两个角色 DHCP服务器用于为网络中所有的DHCP客户机提供网络配置信息,在同一网络中, DHCP服务器通常是唯一存在在. 网络中的任何主机都可以配置成为DHCP客户机,向DHCP服务器发出配置请求并按照服务 器返回的信息进行网络配置
1.网络接口的IP地址和子网掩码. 2.网络接口的IP地址对应的网络地址和广播地址 3.默认网关地址 4.DNS服务器地址
1.安装DHCP服务器软件(在RHEL4系统的安装光盘中包括RPM格式的DHCP服务器软件包,包文件的名称是dhcp-3.0.1-12_EL.i386.rpm),在RHEL4的第4安装光盘中,在同一张安装盘中还包括与DHCP相关的其它软件包 # cd /media/cdrom/rehat/rpms/ #ks -l dhcp* dhcp-3.0.1-12_EL.i386,rpm在REL4中没有被默认安装,需要手动安装 #rpm -qa | grep dhcp #rpm -ivh dhcp-3.0.1-12_EL.i386.rpm
2.其中/usr/sbin/dhcpd 是DHCP服务器的执行文件,/etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd是DHCP服务器的启动脚本,虽然文件名都是DHCPD,但是文件位于不同的目录,功能也不一样. DHCPD.CONF配置文件以及建立配置文件和配置文件的格式 #ls /etc/dhcp* #vi /etc/dhcpd.conf
❷ Linux下安装fftw函数库后在QtCreator中如何使用
g++ main* /usr/local/fftw3/libfftw3f.so.3 -lfftw3
❸ 编译vasp出现错误,求帮助,如能帮助,不胜感激
安装环境centOS6.5+Intel parallel studio xe 2013+openmpi+fftw
fpp -f_com=no -free -w0 base.F base.f90 -DMPI -DHOST=\\"LinuxIFC\\" -DIFC -DCACHE_SIZE=4000 -DPGF90 -Davoidalloc -DNGZhalf -DMPI_BLOCK=8000 -Duse_collective -DscaLAPACK -DRPROMU_DGEMV -DRACCMU_DGEMV
mpif90 -FR -names lowercase -assume byterecl -O2 -ip -I/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.2.146/mkl/include/fftw -c base.f90
mpif90: error while loading shared libraries: libimf.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
make: *** Error 127
1 .SUFFIXES: .inc .f .f90 .F
2 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3 # Makefile for Intel Fortran compiler for Pentium/Athlon/Opteron
4 # based systems
5 # we recommend this makefile for both Intel as well as AMD systems
6 # for AMD based systems appropriate BLAS (libgoto) and fftw libraries are
7 # however mandatory (whereas they are optional for Intel platforms)
8 # For Athlon we recommend
9 # ) to link against libgoto (and mkl as a backup for missing routines)
10 # ) odd enough link in libfftw3xf_intel.a (fftw interface for mkl)
11 # feedback is greatly appreciated
12 #
13 # The makefile was tested only under Linux on Intel and AMD platforms
14 # the following compiler versions have been tested:
15 # - ifc.7.1 works stable somewhat slow but reliably
16 # - ifc.8.1 fails to compile the code properly
17 # - ifc.9.1 recommended (both for 32 and 64 bit)
18 # - ifc.10.1 partially recommended (both for 32 and 64 bit)
19 # tested build 20080312 Package ID: l_fc_p_10.1.015
20 # the gamma only mpi version can not be compiles
21 # using ifc.10.1
22 # - ifc.11.1 partially recommended (some problems with Gamma only and intel fftw)
23 # Build 20090630 Package ID: l_cprof_p_11.1.046
24 # - ifort.12.1 strongly recommended (we use this to compile vasp)
25 # Version Build 20120612
26 #
27 # it might be required to change some of li