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❶ 关于单片机的外文书籍 要书名,作者, 出版社,第几版,时间

书名:Foumdation and Application pf Microcontroller
作者:Guiyun Tian
出版社:高等教育出版社 第一版

❷ 急求关于单片机的外文参考文献五篇,不要具体内容,只要标题,作者,年份,类型等就可以了

[1] 李东升等.protel 99SE电路设计教程.电子工业出版社,2007.1
[2] 藏春华等.电子线路设计与应用.高等教育出版社,2004.7
[3] 李学海.16位单片机SPCE061A使用教程——基础篇.人民邮电出版社,2007
[4] 张琳娜,刘武发.传感检测技术及应用.中国计量出版社,1999
[5] 邵敏权,刘刚.单片机原理实验及应用.吉林科学技术出版社,1995.1
[6] 杨振江等.智能仪器与数据采集系统中的新器件及应用.西安电子科技大学出版 社,2001.12
[7] 罗亚非等.凌阳16位单片机应用基础.北京航空航天大学出版社,2005.5
[8] 刘笃仁,韩保君.传感器原理及应用技术。机械工业出版社,2003.8
[9] 薛筠义,张彦斌.凌阳16位单片机原理及应用,2003.2
[10] 徐爱卿.Intel 16位单片机,2002.7
[11] 霍孟友等,单片机原理与应用机械工业出版社,2004.1
[12] 霍孟友等,单片机原理与应用学习概要及题解,机械工业出版社,2005.3
[13] 许泳龙等,单片机原理及应用,机械工业出版社,2005.1
[14] 马忠梅等,单片机的C语言应用程序设计,北京航空航天大学出版社,2003修订版
[15] 薛均义 张彦斌 虞鹤松 樊波,凌阳十六位单片机原理及应用,2003年,北京航空航天大学出版社.

❸ 单片机毕业论文外文文献怎么找去哪个网站


❹ 求单片机参考文献,中文的有相应的外文翻译

[12]Nancy Hplland.Automated Instruments Smooth Rapid Test System Development.Test & Measurement World,AUGUST 2001
[13]卢育强.如何设定ICT的上下限,电子生产设备,2003 142-143
[14]赵悦 沈青松 终玉军.路板的测试技术,辽宁工学院学报,2008-1
[15]程亚黎 曾周末.电路故障自动测试与诊断系统,中国仪器仪表,2007

❺ 哪位大侠能给我1份 关于单片机的外文参考文献阿 找了很多地方没有啊 要是有翻译的感激不尽阿

[3] AT89C51 DATA SHEEP Philips Semiconctors 1999.dec
[4]Yang. Y., Yi. J., Woo, Y.Y., and Kim. B.: ‘Optimum design for linearityand efficiency of microwave Doherty amplifier using a new loadmatching technique’, Microw. J., 2001, 44, (12), pp. 20–36
[5] Vizimuller, P.: ‘RF design guide-systems, circuits, and equations’ (ArtechHouse, Boston, MA, 1995)[6]R. Dye, “Visual Object-Orientated Programming,” Dr. Dobbs MacintoshJournal, Sept. 1st ( 1991).

❻ 求助如何找到关于单片机的外文文献翻译,用于毕业设计

Getting Started with µVision2
The Keil Software 8051 development tools listed below are programs you use to compile your C code, assemble your assembly source files, link and locate object moles and libraries, create HEX files, and debug your target program.
 µVision2 for Windows™ is an Integrated Development Environment that combines project management, source code editing, and program debugging in one single, powerful environment.
 The C51 ANSI Optimizing C Cross Compiler creates relocatable object moles from your C source code.
 The A51 Macro Assembler creates relocatable object moles from your 8051 assembly source code.
 The BL51 Linker/Locator combines relocatable object moles created by the C51 Compiler and the A51 Assembler into absolute object moles.
 The LIB51 Library Manager combines object moles into libraries that may be used by the linker.
 The OH51 Object-HEX Converter creates Intel HEX files from absolute object moles.
 The RTX-51 Real-time Operating System simplifies the design of complex, time-critical software projects.
Software Development Cycle
When you use the Keil Software tools, the project development cycle is roughly the same as it is for any other software development project.
1. Create a project, select the target chip from the device database, and configure the tool settings.
2. Create source files in C or assembly.
3. Build your application with the project manager.
4. Correct errors in source files.
5. Test the linked application.
µVision2 IDE
The µVision2 IDE combines project management, a rich-featured editor with interactive error correction, option setup, make facility, and on-line help. Use µVision2 to create your source files and organize them into a project that defines your target application. µVision2 automatically compiles, assembles, and links your embedded application and provides a single focal point for your development efforts.
LIB51 Library Manager
The LIB51 library manager allows you to create object library from the object files created by the compiler and assembler. Libraries are specially formatted, ordered program collections of object moles that may be used by the linker at a later time. When the linker processes a library, only those object moles in the library that are necessary to create the program are used.
BL51 Linker/Locator
The BL51 linker creates an absolute object mole using the object moles extracted from libraries and those created by the compiler and assembler. An absolute object file or mole contains no relocatable code or data. All code and data reside at fixed memory locations. The absolute object file may be used:
 To program an EPROM or other memory devices,
 With the µVision2 Debugger for simulation and target debugging,
 With an in-circuit emulator for the program testing.
µVision2 Debugger
The µVision2 symbolic, source-level debugger is ideally suited for fast, reliable program debugging. The debugger includes a high-speed simulator that let you simulate an entire 8051 system including on-chip peripherals and external hardware. The attributes of the chip you use are automatically configured when you select the device from the Device Database.
The µVision2 Debugger provides several ways for you to test your programs on
real target hardware:
 Install the MON51 Target Monitor on your target system and download your program using the Monitor-51 interface built-in to the µVision2 Debugger.
 Use the Advanced GDI interface to attach use the µVision2 Debugger front end with your target system.
The µVision2 Debugger supports target debugging using Monitor-51. The monitor program resides in the memory of your target hardware and communicates with the µVision2 Debugger using the serial port of the 8051 and a COM port of your PC. With Monitor-51, µVision2 lets you perform source-level, symbolic debugging on your target hardware.
RTX51 Real-Time Operating System
The RTX51 real-time operating system is a multitasking kernel for the 8051 microcontroller family. The RTX51 real-time kernel simplifies the system design, programming, and debugging of complex applications where fast reaction to time critical events is essential. The kernel is fully integrated into the C51 Compiler and is easy to use. Task description tables and operating system consistency are automatically controlled by the BL51 linker/locator.
C51 Optimizing C Cross Compiler
The Keil C51 Cross Compiler is an ANSI C Compiler that was written
specifically to generate fast, compact code for the 8051 microcontroller family.
The C51 Compiler generates object code that matches the efficiency and speed
of assembly programming.
Using a high-level language like C has many advantages over assembly language
 Knowledge of the processor instruction set is not required. Rudimentary knowledge of the memory structure of the 8051 CPU is desirable (but not necessary).
 Details like register allocation and addressing of the various memory types and data types is managed by the compiler.
 Programs get a formal structure (which is imposed by the C programming language) and can be divided into separate functions. This contributes to source code reusability as well as better overall application structure.
 The ability to combine variable selection with specific operations improves program readability.
 Keywords and operational functions that more nearly resemble the human thought process may be used.
 Programming and program test time is drastically reced.
 The C run-time library contains many standard routines such as: formatted output, numeric conversions, and floating-point arithmetic.
 Existing program parts can be more easily included into new programs because of molar program construction techniques.
 The language C is a very portable language (based on the ANSI standard) that enjoys wide popular support and is easily obtained for most systems.
Existing program investments can be quickly adapted to other processors as needed.
Code Optimizations
The C51 Compiler is an aggressive optimizing compiler that takes numerous steps to ensure that the code generated and output to the object file is the most efficient (smallest and/or fastest) code possible. The compiler analyzes the generated code to proce the most efficient instruction sequences. This ensures that your C program runs as quickly and effectively as possible in the least amount of code space.
The C51 Compiler provides nine different levels of optimizing. Each increasing level includes the optimizations of levels below it. The following is a list of all optimizations currently performed by the C51 Compiler.
General Optimizations
 Constant Folding: Constant values occurring in an expression or address calculation are combined as a single constant.
 Jump Optimizing: Jumps are inverted or extended to the final target address when the program efficiency is thereby increased.
 Dead Code Elimination: Code that cannot be reached (dead code) is removed from the program.
 Register Variables: Automatic variables and function arguments are located in registers whenever possible. No data memory space is reserved for these variables.
 Parameter Passing Via Registers: A maximum of three function arguments
 may be passed in registers.
 Global Common Subexpression Elimination: Identical subexpressions or address calculations that occur multiple times in a function are recognized and calculated only once whenever possible.
 Common Tail Merging: Common instruction blocks are merged together using jump instructions.
 Re-use Common Entry Code: Common instruction sequences are moved in front of a function to rece code size.
 Common Block Subroutines: Multiple instruction sequences are packed into subroutines. Instructions are rearranged to maximize the block size.

Keil C 简介
Keil Software 的8051开发工具提供以下程序,你可以用它们来编译你的C源码,汇编你的汇编源程序,连接和重定位你的目标文件和库文件,创建HEX文件,调试你的目标程序。
 C51美国标准优化C交叉编译器从你的C源代码产生可重定位的目标文件。
 A51宏汇编器从你的8051汇编源代码产生可重定位的目标文件。
 BL51连接/重定位器组合你的由C51和A51产生的可重定位的目标文件,生成绝对目标文件。
 LIB51库管理器组合你的目标文件,生成可以被连接器使用的库文件。
 OH51目标文件到HEX格式的转换器从绝对目标文件创建Intel HEX 格式的文件。
 RTX-51实时操作系统简化了复杂和对时间要求敏感的软件项目。
当你使用Keil Software工具时,你的项目开发流程和其它软件开发项目的流程极其相似。
1. 创建一个项目,从器件库中选择目标器件,配置工具设置。
2. 用C语言或汇编语言创建源程序。
3. 用项目管理器实现你的应用。
4. 修改源程序中的错误。
5. 测试,连接应用。
uVision2 IDE
uVision2 集成开发环境集成了一个项目管理器,一个功能丰富、有错误提示的编辑器,以及设置选项,生成工具,在线帮助。利用uVision2创建你的源代码并把它们组织到一个能确定你的目标应用的项目中去。uVision2自动编译,汇编,连接你的嵌入式应用,并为你的开发提供一个单一的焦点。
源代码由uVision2 IDE创建,并被C51编译或A51汇编。编译器和汇编器从源代码生成可重定位的目标文件。Keil C51编译器完全遵照ANSI C语言标准,支持C语言的所有标准特性。另外,直接支持8051结构的几个特性被添加到里面。Keil A51宏汇编器支持8051及其派生系列的全部指令集。
LIB51 库管理器
BL51 连接器/定位器
BL51 连接器/定位器利用从库中提取的目标模块和由编译器或汇编器生成的目标模块创建一个绝对地址的目标模块。一个绝对地址目标模块或文件包含不可重定位的代码和数据。所有的代码和数据被安置在固定的存储器单元中。此绝对地址目标文件可以用来:
 写入EPROM或其它存储器件。
 由uVision2调试器使用来模拟和调试。
 由仿真器用来测试程序。
uVision2 调试器
 安装MON51目标监控器到你的目标系统并且通过Monitor-51接口下载你的程序。
 利用高级的GDI(AGDI)接口,把uVision2调试器绑定到你的目标系统。
uVision2调试器支持用Monitor-51进行目标板调试。此监控程序驻留在你的目标板的 存储器里,它利用串口和uVision2调试器进行通信。利用Monitor-51,uVision2调试器 可以对你的目标硬件实行源代码级的调试。
Keil C51交叉编译器是一个基于ANSI C标准的针对8051系列MCU的C编译器,生成的可执行代码快速、紧凑,在运行效率和速度上可以和汇编程序得到的代码相媲美。
 对处理器的指令集不必了解,8051 CPU的基本结构可以了解,但不是必须的。
 寄存器的分配以及各种变量和数据的寻址都由编译器完成。
 程序拥有了正式的结构(由C语言带来的),并且能被分成多个单独的子函数。这使整个应用系统的结构变得清晰,同时让源代码变得可重复使用。
 选择特定的操作符来操作变量的能力提高了源代码的可读性。
 可以运用和人的思维很接近的词汇和算法表达式。
 编写程序和调试程序的时间得到很大程度的缩短。
 C运行连接库包含一些标准的子程序,如:格式化输出,数字转换,浮点运算。
 由于程序的模块结构技术,使得现有的程序段可以很容易的包含到新的程序中去。
 ANSI 标准的C语言是一种丰常方便的,获得广泛应用的,在绝大部分系统中都能够很容易得到的语言。
C51是一个杰出的优化编译器,它通过很多步骤以确保产生的代码是最有效率的(最小和/或最快)。编译器通过分析初步的代码 产生最终的最有效率的代码序列,以此来保证你的C语言程序占用最少空间的同时运行的快而有效。
 常量折叠:在表达式及寻址过程中出现的常量被综合为一个单个的常量。
 跳转优化:采用反转跳转或直接指向最终目的的跳转,从而提升了程序的效率。
 哑码消除:永远不可能执行到的代码将自动从程序中剔除。
 寄存器变量:只要可能,局部变量和函数参数被放在CPU寄存器中,不需要为这些变量再分配存储器空间。
 通过寄存器传递参数:最多三个参数通过寄存器传递。
 消除全局公用的子表达式:只要可能,程序中多次出现的相同的子表达式或地址计算表达式将只计算一次。
 合并相同代码:利用跳转指令,相同的代码块被合并。
 重复使用入口代码:需要多次使用的共同代码被移到子程序的前面以缩减代码长度。

❼ 急求一份关于单片机红外遥控电子密码锁相关的参考文献。来5份左右外文的。多多益善。先谢谢啦。

[1] 于殿泓,王新年.单片机原理与程序设计实验教程[M].西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,2007,8.
[2] 赵文博,刘文涛.单片机语言C51程序设计[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2005,10.
[3] 李爱秋.红外线遥控12位电子密码锁的设计[J]. 温州职业技术学院学报第8卷第一期,2008.
[4] 陈杰,黄鸿.传感器与检测技术[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2010,8.
[5] 周航慈. 单片机应用程序设计技术[M]. 北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,2011,2.
[6] 李朝青. 单片机原理及接口技术[M]. 北京:北京航空航天大学出版社, 2005,10.
[7] 孙育才. MCS-51系列单片微型计算机及其应用[M]. 东南大学出版社, 2004,6.
[8] 沈红卫. 单片机应用系统设计实力与分析[M]. 北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,2003.
[9] 徐爱钧, 彭秀华. 单片机高级语言C51应用程序设计[M].北京航空航天大学出版社,2006.
[10] 曾一江. 单片微机原理与接口技术[M]. 北京:科技出版社,2009,12.
[11] 康华光. 电子技术基础(模拟部分)[M]. 北京:高等教育出版社, 2004,4.
[12] Nishino S F,Paoli G C,Spain J C. Aerobic degradation of dinitroto-luenes and pathway for bacterial degradation of 2,6-dinitrotoluene Volume 66,2006.
[13] Kennes C,W M Wu,L Bhatnagar et al. Anaerobic dechlorination and mineralization of PCP and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol by the methanogenic PCP-degrading granules Volume 44,2004.
[14] Philips. Proct Specification. COMS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller.
[15] Hermarn K P. Neubert. Instrument Transcers-An Introction to their Performance and Design.2nd Ed[M]. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1975.

❽ 求关于单片机或LCD的外文文献 要书名,作者, 出版社,第几版,时间.

[1]Bo Ran Han,Zheng Liu,You Zhou,Kai Zhou. Queue System Based on GSM Modem and Single Chip Microcomputer’s Communication[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012,1566(433).

[2]Bing Liu,Tao Wu. Design and Application of Single Chip Microcomputer in SCR Light Regulation Circuit[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2013,2754(431).

[3]Min Cao. A Study of Visual Wireless Control System Based on MCU in Power Plants[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014,2808(448).

[4]Jun Jie Lin,Chun Yang Wang,Da Sen Wang. Arbitrary Integer Frequency Divider Based on Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014,2789(441).

[5]Hong Li,Si Qing Zhang. Design for Robot Control Board Based on AVR Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014,2935(484).

[6]Qi Guo Yao,Yu Liang Liu. Reliability Design of Ship Main Engine Remote Control System Based on Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014,3207(556).

[7]Jian Pu Bia,Mei Xia Gao. Design of Ultrasonic Rangefinder Controlled by Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014,3360(599).

[8]Dan Tong Zhang. Research on University Classroom Lighting Energy Saving Intelligence Control System Based on Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2014,3470(1030).

[9]Qing Zhuang. Weighing System Design Based on Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2015,3701(1070).

[10]Yishan Zeng,Jun Qian. Designs of a fire detecting and fire pre-warning system based on single chip microcomputer[J]. Procedia Engineering,2010,7.




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