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① 求!!单片机参考文献!


② 求单片机参考文献,中文的有相应的外文翻译

[12]Nancy Hplland.Automated Instruments Smooth Rapid Test System Development.Test & Measurement World,AUGUST 2001
[13]卢育强.如何设定ICT的上下限,电子生产设备,2003 142-143
[14]赵悦 沈青松 终玉军.路板的测试技术,辽宁工学院学报,2008-1
[15]程亚黎 曾周末.电路故障自动测试与诊断系统,中国仪器仪表,2007

③ 关于单片机控制步进电机的英文参考文献


This project aimed to develop a wireless system to detect and allow only the authorized persons. The system was based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and consists of a passive RFID tag. The passive micro transponder tag collects power from the 125 KHz magnetic field generated by the base station, gathers information about the Tag ID and sends this information to the base station. The base station receives, decodes and checks the information available in its Database and Manchester code was used to send those information. The system performed as desired with a 10cm diameter antenna attached to the transponder. The Base Station is built by using the Popular 8051 family Microcontroller. It gets the tag ID and if the tag ID is stored in its memory then the microcontroller will allow the person inside.
RFID Reader Mole, are also called as interrogators. They convert radio waves returned from the RFID tag into a form that can be passed on to Controllers, which can make use of it. RFID tags and readers have to be tuned to the same frequency in order to communicate. RFID systems use many different frequencies, but the most common and widely used Reader frequency is 125 KHz.



Choose controller according to your requirements of program memory(flash), RAM, ADC, EEPROM. 16kB of flash is sufficient to implement floodfill algorithm. If you are thinking of implementing floodfill algorithm then 256 bytes are required to store Map of the maze and 512 bytes are required for processing so you need atleast 1kBRAM to implement floodfill. ATmega16,32 and PIC18f452 are some controllerspopularly used in micromouse. If you are thinking of building just a wall follower then simple 8051 based controller likeAT89s52 can also be used. Stepper driving:Please read http://www.triindia.co.in/resources/?p=40 a step by step stepper motor guidefirst. There are two types of motors a) unipolar b) bipolar. Unipolar stepper motors can be used as bipolar steppers so prefer unipolar whilepurchasing stepper. You can use simple ULN2803 IC the circuit can be found in 8051 microcontroller by Mazidi. ULN2803 has eight darlington pair in a single package. It hascurrent carrying capacity of 500mA. so it will get heated up frequently will get damaged.So two ULN2803 can be connected in parallel to fix the problem but this is a chalta haiway of driving stepper.



Stepper Motor Advantages
and Disadvantages
1. The rotation angle of the motor is
proportional to the input pulse.
2. The motor has full torque at stand-
still (if the windings are energized)
3. Precise positioning and repeat-
ability of movement since good
stepper motors have an accuracy of
3 – 5% of a step and this error is
non cumulative from one step to
the next.
4. Excellent response to starting/
5. Very reliable since there are no con-
tact brushes in the motor.
Therefore the life of the motor is
simply dependant on the life of the
6. The motors response to digital
input pulses provides open-loop
control, making the motor simpler
and less costly to control.
7. It is possible to achieve very low
speed synchronous rotation with a
load that is directly coupled to the
8. A wide range of rotational speeds
can be realized as the speed is
proportional to the frequency


④ 关于单片机的参考文献要具体页码, 要求至少出现2篇英文,期刊需要页码,有的发我邮箱,[email protected]

[1] 张毅刚.《新编MCS51单片机应用设计(第三版)》,哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2008
[2] 何立民.《单片机应用技术选编》,北京:北京航空大学出版社,1998
[3] 李华.《MCS-51系列单片机使用接口技术》,北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,1993
[4] 彭为.《单片机典型系统设计实例精讲》,北京:电子工业出版社,2006
[5] 潘永雄.《新编单片机原理与应用》,西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,2003
[6] 童诗白,华成英,《模拟电子技术基础》,北京:高等教育出版社,2000
[7] 阎石主.《数字电子技术基础》,北京:高等教育出版社,1998
[8] 樊昌信,曹丽娜.《通信原理》,北京:国防工业出版社,2007
[9] 李瀚荪.《电路分析基础》,北京:高等教育出版社1991
毕 业 论 文(设 计)开 题 报 告
[10]G.Edward Suh, Charles W.O’Donnell, Srinivas Devadas, Aegis:a single-chip secure processor, IEEE Design and Test of Computers.2008,24(6)570-580.
[11] Mt. Prospect.MCS 51 Family of Microcontrollers Architectural Overview. September 1993

⑤ 急求关于单片机的外文参考文献五篇,不要具体内容,只要标题,作者,年份,类型等就可以了

[1] 李东升等.protel 99SE电路设计教程.电子工业出版社,2007.1
[2] 藏春华等.电子线路设计与应用.高等教育出版社,2004.7
[3] 李学海.16位单片机SPCE061A使用教程——基础篇.人民邮电出版社,2007
[4] 张琳娜,刘武发.传感检测技术及应用.中国计量出版社,1999
[5] 邵敏权,刘刚.单片机原理实验及应用.吉林科学技术出版社,1995.1
[6] 杨振江等.智能仪器与数据采集系统中的新器件及应用.西安电子科技大学出版 社,2001.12
[7] 罗亚非等.凌阳16位单片机应用基础.北京航空航天大学出版社,2005.5
[8] 刘笃仁,韩保君.传感器原理及应用技术。机械工业出版社,2003.8
[9] 薛筠义,张彦斌.凌阳16位单片机原理及应用,2003.2
[10] 徐爱卿.Intel 16位单片机,2002.7
[11] 霍孟友等,单片机原理与应用机械工业出版社,2004.1
[12] 霍孟友等,单片机原理与应用学习概要及题解,机械工业出版社,2005.3
[13] 许泳龙等,单片机原理及应用,机械工业出版社,2005.1
[14] 马忠梅等,单片机的C语言应用程序设计,北京航空航天大学出版社,2003修订版
[15] 薛均义 张彦斌 虞鹤松 樊波,凌阳十六位单片机原理及应用,2003年,北京航空航天大学出版社.

⑥ 求一篇单片机论文,要求参考文献是05年的,出自核心期刊,其他无要求,粘贴的也可以,谢谢啦

中国期刊全文数据库 共找到 4 条
[1]黄家升. 基于IAP的单片机软件远程升级[J]. 舰船电子对抗, 2007,(03) .
[2]杨美仙. 单片机的发展及其应用[J]. 科技信息(学术研究), 2007,(35) .
[3]陈寿元. 单片机多机通信网络改进及数据通信容错技术[J]. 山东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2006,(02) .
[4]栗欣,周东辉,孙晓苗,李立. 单片机程序远程升级的设计[J]. 微计算机信息, 2006,(32) .
中国期刊全文数据库 共找到 10 条
[1]张志利,张晓峰,朱力. FPGA的单片机多机串行通信网络[J]. 单片机与嵌入式系统应用, 2009,(03) .
[2]姚晓光. 基于GPRS的单片机固件升级系统设计[J]. 单片机与嵌入式系统应用, 2010,(06) .
[3]李辉,宁祎,邓遵义. SPCE061A单片机程序存储器的扩展技术[J]. 机电产品开发与创新, 2008,(04) .
[4]向鹏,李绣峰,杜遥雪. 分布式全电动注塑机控制系统[J]. 机械与电子, 2007,(05) .
[5]李俊,王金海. 基于TFTP协议的ARM软件远程更新系统[J]. 工矿自动化, 2010,(07) .
[6]朱飞龙,杨鸣. 基于IAP功能单片机的远程更新系统设计[J]. 机电工程, 2010,(09) .
[7]杨峰,张德跃. 一种使用双簇首的分簇路由协议的研究[J]. 山东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2007,(03) .
[8]周茂霞. 基于Windows API函数编程的PC机与单片机多机通信的实现[J]. 山东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2007,(03) .
[9]向鹏,李绣峰,杜遥雪. 全电动注射成型机控制系统设计[J]. 塑料, 2007,(02) .
[10]张志利. 基于RS232协议的单片机多机通信网络研究[J]. 自动化技术与应用, 2009,(04) .
中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库 共找到 6 条
[1]杨秀栋. SOC的存储器IP嵌入技术研究[D]. 电子科技大学, 2008 .
[2]曾永龙. 冶金除尘风机状态监测与故障诊断系统研究[D]. 武汉科技大学, 2008 .
[3]曹鹏. 基于M30626FJPGP芯片汽车音响系统设计[D]. 大连海事大学, 2008 .
[4]程龙飞. 多参数综合可靠性加速试验环境测控系统的研究[D]. 浙江大学, 2010 .
[5]任红文. 加速器高频自动频率调谐系统的设计与实现[D]. 兰州大学, 2010 .
[6]季雪峰. 智能模拟信号采集卡的设计与实现[D]. 复旦大学, 2010 .

⑦ 求4篇关于单片机和机械手的参考文献

[1]方龙,陈丹,肖献保. 基于单片机的机械手臂控制系统设计[J]. 广西轻工业,2008,08:89-90.
[2]周卫东. 基于CAN总线通讯的机械臂控制系统设计[J]. 南京工程学院学报(自然科学版),2007,04:42-46.
[3]李辉,邓遵义. 基于CAN总线分布式机械臂控制系统设计[J]. 机电产品开发与创新,2011,02:155-157.
[4]金伟. 基于DSP的机械臂控制系统设计[J]. 自动化与仪器仪表,2011,03:30-32.
[5]李鲤,刘善春. 基于ARM的机械臂控制系统分析[J]. 自动化与仪器仪表,2012,02:176-177.
[6]黄冉,周前祥,王一豪. 基于电流变液的机械臂控制系统设计与仿真[J]. 机械设计与制造,2012,12:4-6.
[7]滕冠,刘恒. 基于模糊控制的机械臂控制系统设计与实现[J]. 大众科技,2015,01:85-87.
[8]马江. 六自由度机械臂控制系统设计与运动学仿真[D].北京工业大学,2009.
[9]欧艳华. 基于PID的现代加工生产机械臂控制系统设计[J]. 轻工科技,2015,04:59-60.
[10]李磊. 六自由度机械臂控制系统设计[D].哈尔滨工程大学,2007.
[11]赵胜求. 基于视觉的PUMA560机械臂控制系统设计[D].哈尔滨工业大学,2010.



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