❶ OLED怎样实时显示51单片机测得的数据
void Line(char x1,char y1,char x2,char y2)
char xdelta; // width of rectangle around line
char ydelta; // height of rectangle around line
char xinc; //increment for moving x coordinate
char yinc; //increment for moving y coordinate
char rem; //current remainder
//Bool bit = 0;//used for dashed lines
char s,e; //Start,End
//See if the line is horizontal or vertical. If so, then call special routines.
if (y1 == y2)
{ //draw a horizontal line
if(x1 > x2 ) s = x2,e = x1;
else s = x1,e = x2;
for(; s <= e; s++) SetPixel(s,y1,1);
else if (x1 == x2)
{//draw a vertical line
if(y1 > y2 ) s = y2,e = y1;
else s = y1,e = y2;
for(; s <= e; s++) SetPixel(x1,s,1);
{// The line may be partially obscured. Do the draw line algorithm
// checking each point against the clipping regions.
xdelta = x2 - x1;
ydelta = y2 - y1;
if (xdelta < 0) xdelta = -xdelta;
if (ydelta < 0) ydelta = -ydelta;
xinc = (x2 > x1)? 1 : -1;
yinc = (y2 > y1)? 1 : -1;
// draw the first point
//SetPixel( x1, y1, 1);
if (xdelta >= ydelta)
rem = xdelta / 2;
for (;x1 != x2; x1 += xinc)
SetPixel(x1, y1,1);
rem += ydelta;
if (rem >= xdelta){
rem -= xdelta;
y1 += yinc;
rem = ydelta / 2;
for (;y1 != y2; y1 += yinc)
SetPixel(x1, y1,1);
rem += xdelta;
if (rem >= ydelta) {
rem -= ydelta;
x1 += xinc;
g_nCoordinateX = x2;//
g_nCoordinateY = y2;
❷ 51单片机如何实时显示时间